You've Reserved Your Seat...

...for the Mastermind Book Club meeting where Tom Ruwitch will discuss his book, Story Power Marketing .

Click the button below for a free .pdf copy of the book

Meeting Time Thursday, January 23, 2:30 p.m. ET, 1:30 p.m. CT
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Every month, Ted and Tom will choose a great business book for the group. (See "The Library" in the navigation bar to find the books).

Ted and Tom will read the book. You can read it, too – but only IF YOU WANT TO.

In the MBC community, Ted and Tom will share short videos, blog posts, and other conversation-starters. And they'll host a monthly virtual meeting where all club members gather to discuss the book, exchange business-building ideas, and network.

You can participate in any conversation or event you choose…

…or you can start your post/conversation. The idea:

Share insights drawn from the book.

Discuss how to apply those insights to improve your business.

Celebrate success as you or other members implement

The key word above: IMPLEMENT. We’re not discussing these books for sh%ts and grins.

We’re doing this to…